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Who were our real heroes?

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About Swarajya - The Game

experience India's

History and Culture

Through Mobile Gaming

Why mobile game?

Short attention spans of mobile users,both young and old, require creative ways of storytelling, that are both engaging and educative.

Making history fascinating and engaging is no easy feat. However, with the advent of interactive smartphone screens, there has never been a better time to develop educational apps that seamlessly blend the boundaries between education and entertainment.


At Saga Games, we are proud to present Swarajya - The Road to Freedom.

This revolutionary video game for smartphones takes storytelling and gameplay to a whole new level. With captivating interactive elements, Swarajya keeps players fully immersed while providing valuable knowledge about the Indian freedom fighters who shaped our past.

As we like to say within our team, Swarajya is storytelling reimagined for the digital age - Storytelling 2.0.


Our Games


My name is Dwarak

Growing up, I experienced a stark contrast between the monotony of traditional history lessons in school and the captivating allure of historical video games. While classroom lectures failed to ignite my interest, delving into virtual worlds filled with real historical events provided an immersive and exhilarating learning experience. This stark disparity sparked a realization within me: history education could be transformed into something dynamic, interactive, and engaging. As a programmer and game developer, I've made it my mission to bridge this gap by creating educational games that bring history to life. Through innovative storytelling and interactive gameplay, I aim to make learning about the past an exciting and unforgettable journey for learners of all ages. Inspired by my passion for cultural heritage, I also sought to incorporate elements of our rich cultural heritage into these games, offering a holistic educational experience that celebrates both history and culture. Join me as we embark on a quest to unlock the mysteries of history and culture through the power of gaming.

Looking for funding

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